How to Move from 6 to 7 Figures

How to Move from 6 to 7 Figures

We often focus on what it takes to get started but there is a legitimate barrier when you hit the early six-figure territory so this episode is all about how to scale beyond that barrier. Here are some of the topics we cover…

  • Why is there a barrier?
  • Is it ok to stay there?
  • How do you get past it?
  • Is there a certain size at which more organisational overheads are necessary?
  • At what point should you add staff and what kind should you add first?
  • How should you think about the difference between turn over and profit when growing
    your business?
  • What has to change about the way you do business?
  • How do you know when it is time to start implementing changes?
  • What are the smallest changes that had the biggest results?
  • What were the greatest challenges and how do you overcome them?

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